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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)#

How is PSRule different to Pester?#

PSRule is a framework for testing infrastructure as code (IaC) and objects using rules. Rules can be written in PowerShell, YAML, or JSON. Some features include:

  • Objects - PowerShell objects can be validated on the pipeline or imported.
    • Objects can be imported directly from JSON, YAML, or .psd1.
    • Each object is automatically bound to a target type for use with pre-conditions.
    • Rule results are orientated to validating an object.
    • Built-in assertions, automatically traverse object properties.
  • Pre-conditions - Rules understand which objects they apply to. Objects are bound to a type as they are processed using object properties. Dissimilar objects can be processed quickly.
    • Objects that match no rules are flagged with a warning by default.
  • Packaging - Rules can be reused between projects and optionally packaged into a module.
    • Portable rules, configuration, baselines, and documentation allow greater reuse and distribution.
    • Documentation with detailed guidance or next steps can be included.
    • Standalone or rules from modules can be combined together with -Module and -Path.
  • Configuration - Configuration of rules is handled by PSRule.
    • Rules can be configured at runtime, from YAML configuration, or environment variables.
    • Baselines can be used to pair rules and configuration for a specific scenario.
  • Exceptions - Exceptions to a rule can be ignored for a single object using suppression.
    • Exclusion can be used additionally to ignore a rule entirely.

These features make PSRule ideal for validating:

  • Infrastructure as code, including:
    • Kubernetes manifests.
    • Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates.
    • Configuration files.
    • Pipeline files.
  • Deployments or configurations against a baseline.

If you want to test PowerShell code, consider using Pester, we do!

What pre-built modules are available for PSRule?#

PSRule rules modules can be found on the PowerShell Gallery using the tag PSRule-rules.

How do I configure PSRule?#

PSRule and rules can be configured by:

  • Parameter - PSRule can be configured at runtime by passing the -Option parameter to cmdlets.
  • Options file - Options stored in YAML are load configuration from file. The default ps-rule.yaml option file is read automatically from the current working path by default. When checking into source control, store this file in the root directory of the repository.
  • Environment variables - Configuration can be specified using environment variables.

For example:

# With cmdlet
$option = New-PSRuleOption -OutputAs Summary -OutputCulture 'en-AU' -NotProcessedWarning $False -Configuration @{
  CUSTOM_VALUE = 'example'
$items | Assert-PSRule -Option $option

# With hashtable
$items | Assert-PSRule -Option @{
  'Output.As' = 'Summary'
  'Output.Culture' = 'en-AU'
  'Execution.NotProcessedWarning' = $False
  'Configuration.CUSTOM_VALUE' = 'Example'
# With YAML
  as: Summary
  culture: [ 'en-AU' ]

  notProcessedWarning: false

# With environment variable in bash
export PSRULE_OUTPUT_AS=Summary

For a list of configuration options and usage see about_PSRule_Options.

How do I ignore a rule?#

To prevent a rule executing you can either:

  • Exclude the rule - The rule is not executed for any object.
  • Suppress the rule - The rule is not executed for a specific object by name.

To exclude a rule use the Rule.Exclude option. To do this in YAML, add the following to the ps-rule.yaml options file.

# YAML: Using the rule/exclude property
  - 'My.FirstRule'  # The name of the first rule to exclude.
  - 'My.SecondRule' # The name of the second rule to exclude.

To suppress a rule use the Suppression option. To do this in YAML, add the following to the ps-rule.yaml options file.

# YAML: Using the suppression property
  My.FirstRule:    # The name of the rule being suppressed
  - TestObject1    # The name of the first object to suppress
  - TestObject3    # The name of the second object to suppress
  My.SecondRule:   # An additional rule to suppress
  - TestObject2

The name of the object is reported by PSRule in output results.

See about_PSRule_Options for additional usage for both of these options.

How do exclude or ignore files from being processed?#

To exclude or ignore files from being processed, configure the Input.PathIgnore option. This option allows you to ignore files using a path spec.

For example:

  # Exclude files with these extensions
  - '*.md'
  - '*.png'
  # Exclude specific configuration files
  - 'bicepconfig.json'


  # Exclude all files
  - '*'
  # Only process deploy.bicep files
  - '!**/deploy.bicep'

How do I disable or suppress the not processed warning?#

You may recieve a warning message suggesting a file or object has not been processed. If there are no rules that apply to the file or object this warning will be displayed.


This warning is intended as a verification so that you are able to confirm your configuration is correct.

After you have tuned your configuration, you may wish to disable this warning to reduce output noise. To do this you have two options:

  1. Exclude files from analysis — Configure the Input.PathIgnore option.
  2. Disable the warning entirely — Set the Execution.NotProcessedWarning option to false.

How do I layer on custom rules on top of an existing module?#

PSRule allows rules from modules and standalone (loose) rules to be run together.

To run rules from a standalone path use:

# Note: .ps-rule/ is a standard path to include standalone rules.

# With input from the pipeline
$items | Assert-PSRule -Path '.ps-rule/'

# With input from file
Assert-PSRule -Path '.ps-rule/' -InputPath 'src/'

To run rules from an installed module use:

# With input from the pipeline
$items | Assert-PSRule -Module 'PSRule.Rules.Azure'

# With input from file
Assert-PSRule -Module 'PSRule.Rules.Azure' -InputPath 'src/'

Combining both:

Assert-PSRule -Module 'PSRule.Rules.Azure', 'PSRule.Rules.CAF' -Path '.ps-rule/' -InputPath 'src/'

Why should I use PSRule keywords and assertions?#

Except for the Rule keyword, using the built-in language features are optional.

The built-in keywords and assertions accelerate rule creation. They do this by providing a condition and a set of reasons in a single command.

Reasons are also optional; however, they provide additional context as to why the rule failed. Alternatively, you can provide your own reasons to complement standard PowerShell with the Reason keyword.

Collection of telemetry#

PSRule and PSRule for Azure currently do not collect any telemetry during installation or execution.

PowerShell (used by PSRule for Azure) does collect basic telemetry by default. Collection of telemetry in PowerShell and how to opt-out is explained in about_Telemetry.

Last update: 2023-02-12
